
Baby Steps to Plant Based Week Seven – Vegan Cuts Snack Box Rocks.

It is week seven in the baby-steps to plant based series. It is break week. Time to sit back, relax and reflect on how far you have come!  In addition to cutting fat and cholesterol by removing meat and cheese from your diet, in week one you added raw veggies to your diet and in week five you added a big serving of fresh fruit! Isn’t that great! You are eating healthier than ever, and maybe losing a bit of extra weight too! If weight loss is your ultimate goal you may want to start an exercise routine now, like walking, jogging or cycling around your neighborhood. It may be a good week to check out all the awesome new vegan (plant based) products are out there.


The friendly people at Vegan Cuts were kind enough to send me a box of snacks to review for you! There were lots of great snacks to try out in the box. Included were: Beanfields Rice and Bean chips in ranch flavor (delicious!), Simply Sesame spread, Saffron Road Simmer Sauce, Jyoti savory snacks, At the Table Together pizza dough mix, Meatless Select taco filling (can’t wait to try this!), Pearls Black Olives (yum!), Jiva hot chocolate mix (kid approved!), Fig Bar lemon flavor (our favorite!) and Kale Chips! We haven’t tried everything that came in the snack box, but what we did try we really liked, and the rest I am excited to try! It was a great mix of tasty snacks, and nice to be able to sample a product before you buy a giant bag of it. I have been looking for the Beanfields chips at the market- think healthier cool ranch dorito!  It is awesome companies like that make it so easy for us to keep up our plant based diets all the time! I highly recommend Vegan Cuts and think that you would enjoy a snack box yourself!

I hope that you are enjoying your journey to becoming plant based!  Take your time, don’t discouraged if you have a slip up, and enjoy your fruits and veggies! Now, go make yourself a smoothie and go for a walk! If you haven’t followed on facebook, here is the link: