
Fruit – Eat it, Drink it, Juice it. Week 5 – Baby Steps to Plant Based

Congratulations! You are no longer a cow eater! That is great news for the cows and your health. Cows don’t like to be eaten, and your body doesn’t like to process all that fat, cholesterol and animal protein. You are probably feeling better about yourself and you probably have more energy and less cravings for fatty food. All of that is awesome, you should feel proud. Step five in the Baby Steps to Plant Based is a fun and easy week. We are going to add a big fruit meal. It can be smoothified, juiced or just eaten whole and perfect. Up to you.


Think about this for a moment. You are naked in the wilderness. Without weapons, without fire, what do you eat? It would be awfully hard to catch a wild boar and kill it with your bare hands. Even if you managed to do so, would you enjoy ripping through the thick, rough skin with your fingernails and teeth to get to the bloody flesh? Would you enjoy chewing on the raw flesh of your fresh kill without fire to cook it? I know that I wouldn’t find that enjoyable, I probably am not capable of it, even if it did sound like fun to me!  Our hands are made for picking fresh fruit from the trees. Our tongues are made to enjoy the sweet, juicy taste of  ripe fruit. Our teeth are made to bite through the ‘skin’ of the fruit and chew the sweet ‘flesh’. Our stomachs are designed to digest the sugars, vitamins, and micro-nutrients in fruit. Your intestines are long; made this way to slowly digest the fiber parts of the fruit. Fruit, the perfect food for humans.


Yes, fruit has sugar. Guess what? Human bodies use sugar for fuel. I believe truly that one could be healthy and strong eating only fruit forever. That being said, all I am asking of you this week is to eat fruit in some form for breakfast. I tend to change it up, sometimes I make a big juice with lots of greens and fruit for breakfast. Some days I am in the mood for a nice cold smoothie made with bananas and berries. Other days I will simply cut a melon in half and eat that for my morning meal. I usually have a cup of coffee*, with just a little soy milk, first thing, then I go for a run and when I come home I have my fruit meal. I like to eat (or drink) fruit after a workout because I know my body can easily digest and absorb whatever nutrients it needs to recover.



Banana Berry Smoothie –

1 banana peeled

1 cup frozen organic blueberries

1 cup frozen organic strawberries

1-2 cups filtered water or organic coconut water

throw everything in blender.

blend. add water until desired consistency

pour it in a glass and slurp it with a straw.




My Favorite Juice

2 organic cucumbers (hey, it’s a fruit!)

1/2-1 organic pineapple peeled and cored

5 big hand fulls of organic spinach

2 inches peeled ginger root

juice all ingredients. drink up buttercup.


Getting your fruit is so easy. Every cell in your body will jump for joy when you start eating what nature intended us to eat. Now, I am not saying I expect every to become a fruitarian, but please, just have one fruit meal a day.( For more information on a fruitarian diet check out Dr. Douglas N Graham’s book The 80/10/10 Diet.)   Eat fruit for breakfast, as much as you want, until you feel full, and then don’t eat anything else for a few hours. Let your body absorb and digest it’s happy 🙂 meal. You will feel so light and free. You will have so much more energy. You will be so happy and healthy!  I hope that you are all enjoying my Baby Steps to Plant Based series, I am enjoying sharing it with you. Please join me on facebook at


*my daily coffee is something I debate about giving up. I may try to wean myself from it in the near future, or I may just roll with it.